(Enteroctopus dofleini)

The dreaming octopus lights up and shifts
skin in the murk of its predator cave.
It shivers dreaming of crunching crab shells

in its beak-like toothed tongue. Eight small brains sleep
in its arms; two hearts pump blood to its resting
gills, as its central brain dreams of mauling

mussels. Feasting on mollusks in sleep, light
dances across chromatophores as
eyes on the skin spit colors of coral
red and coconut-cream to the big brain.

The creature’s three hearts want to cover ground,
want to slurp brine shrimp up as it waltzes
the sand-bottom, searching for a swallow—

searching for night to shiver off its body.


Terin Weinberg is an MFA candidate at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. She graduated with two B.A. degrees in Environmental Studies and English from Salisbury University in Maryland. She serves as the Poetry Editor for Gulf Stream Magazine. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Normal SchoolFlyway: Journal of Writing & EnvironmentRed Earth Review, and Waccamaw.